الجمعة، فبراير 03، 2012
Abduction Saúhtin the Americas in the Sinai Peninsula sant Catherine)
Abduction Saúhtin the Americas in the Sinai Peninsula sant Catherine)
Egyptian police and army
Share on finding them with the elders of the Bedouin tribes there
This act and the offense is not a reflection of the Egyptians
But he continued to plot hatched against Egypt to destabilize the security and stability in the region and Egypt show badly in front of the world
And military aircraft engaged in combing the rugged mountainous areas, which fled to the kidnappers after they abducted Alsaúhtin through their direction of the city of Sharm el-Sheikh.
Mentions that he has two cars traveling in unknown fourth transfer mechanism in possession of weapons kidnapped two U.S. Saúhtin during their return from St. Catherine's on the way to Sharm el-Sheikh area in front of the Valley of St. Catherine cough after they attacked the tourist bus, which was 5 Istqlh tourists of different nationalities.
And immediately the Security Director and the Director of Criminal Investigation and security leaders in South Sinai and the Armed Forces with the help of tribal leaders to go to the area of nomadic Alsaúhtin kidnapping in an attempt to bring them back again and adjust the accused.
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